Promo Video

Indiegogo Campaign from February 2015

Interview with Mahin Sciacca for “Mahin’s Bellydance Quickies” 

April 2016, Phoenix Center for the Arts, Phoenix, AZ

June 2015, CEC Center for the Arts, Philadelphia, PA

photos by Yael Nahima Lopez

February 2015, Theater for the New City, NYC

photos by Axiom Solomon

photo by Julia Kulakova

photo by Jenny RaQs

photos by Mirna Cardona

photos by Nelson Cruz

August 2014, John & Rita Lowndes Shakespeare Theatre, Orlando, FL

photos by Jaynellen/DanceCraft

July 2012, Stage Left Studio, NYC

photos by Tom Henning

photos by Richie Giordano

December 2011, The People's Improv Theater, NYC

photos by Tom Henning